Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Visions and illusions
(covers information from a vision or illusion)

Physical attraction was a form of attraction between people which was based on physical appearance being aesthetically pleasing or beautiful. It could involve sexual attraction.

In 2364, Counselor Deanna Troi sensed some sexual attraction from Ligonian males toward Lieutenant Tasha Yar and noted that Yar was physically very attractive. (TNG: "Code of Honor")

In 2374, Captain Benjamin Sisko fell under the influence of visions from the Prophets and Pah-wraiths. During an illusory 1953, Douglas Pabst stated to the writers of the Incredible Tales of Scientific Wonder magazine that some of their readers had been writing in wanting to know what the writers looked like. Kay Eaton responded to Pabst by saying "Write back and tell them we look like writers. Poor, needy, and incredibly attractive." (DS9: "Far Beyond the Stars")

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