Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Phoenix number five

The number five Phoenix preparing to jump to warp

The Phoenix was any of five functioning replicas of the Phoenix, Doctor Zefram Cochrane's prototype warp ship, attached to the Ride the Phoenix attraction at the Historical Bozeman theme park in the late 24th century. They were each individually housed in missile silos nestled against the cliffside at the edge of the park.

The ships were entirely automated to follow Cochrane's original flight: they would lift off from the surface, enter orbit, and make a short jump at warp 1 before returning to Earth. They were "piloted" by a holographic recreation of Zefram Cochrane, who narrated the ride and played Steppenwolf's "Magic Carpet Ride" during liftoff as the real Cochrane had done. Unlike the original Phoenix, the replicas had enough seating for up to six passengers, did not need to be mounted on a Titan II rocket, and were equipped with artificial gravity for rider comfort. The seats featured a 4-point safely harness that could secure the rider, as long as the individual was at least 100 centimeters tall.

In 2381, Ensigns Beckett Mariner, Brad Boimler, D'Vana Tendi, and Sam Rutherford used the number five Phoenix to reach the USS Cerritos, as beaming there was temporarily impossible due to a passing verugament swarm. They were unintentionally accompanied by a single rider named Gavin, a vacationing botanist, who had been directed to ship five by ride operators. After liftoff, Rutherford overrode the craft's automation, allowing the ensigns to fly it to the Cerritos' drydock on the far side of Luna. After they disembarked, Gavin, gripped by the thrill of adventure during the unauthorized excursion, decided to take the Phoenix to "explore the galaxy." He and the craft were recovered a short time later by a Starfleet runabout near the moons of Jupiter. (LD: "Grounded")
