Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha


A bowl of pasta with pesto

Pesto was a type of sauce that was common in the cuisine of Italy.

It traditionally consisted of garlic, basil, olive oil, pine nuts, salt, and Parmesan cheese.

In 2381, when a Starfleet drill instructor named Shari yn Yem was drilling the crew of the USS Cerritos, the lower deckers were given the duties of the senior officers. Ensigns Beckett Mariner, Sam Rutherford, and D'Vana Tendi took the opportunity to take advantage of their new replicator privileges, and they began ordering food that the senior officers could eat. Tendi ordered a bowl of pasta, but she had to ask the computer what the sauce was, and the computer voice replied that it was pesto. Tendi took a liking to pesto and was excited to have it again when the senior officers gifted the lower deckers with a new replicator that included all the senior officer replicator codes. (LD: "I, Excretus")

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