Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The following is a list of unnamed Paradans.

Deep Space 9 visitor 1 []

This visitor had a drink at Quark's in 2373 along with a woman when Grilka met Quark again and hugged him. He was standing behind a structure in the bar and witnessed this happening. (DS9: "Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places")

He walked past Captain Benjamin Sisko on the upper level of the Promenade near the entrance of Quark's shortly before the Deep Space 9 residents witnessed the fifth Dominion convoy passing the Bajoran wormhole. Later, during the evacuation of several Bajorans to Bajor due to the forthcoming attack of the Dominion, he crossed Elim Garak and Tora Ziyal on the Promenade and talked to other civilians. (DS9: "Call to Arms")

This Paradan was played by regular background actor Bill Blair who received no credit for his appearances.

According to Blair's resume, he identified the alien in "Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places" as "Caviar Head" (Westmore Alien). The alien in "Call to Arms" he identified as a different Westmore Alien and for this episode he filmed his scenes on Tuesday 15 April 1997.

Deep Space 9 visitor 2 []

This visitor crossed the security office on the Promenade while the Female Changeling visited Odo inside the office. Later, he passed the Promenade directory when Kira Nerys tried to contact and warn Rom who was detected while sabotaging the station's power grid. (DS9: "Behind the Lines")

He took part in a dabo game at Quark's. (DS9: "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night")

He visited the promenade shortly after Ezri Dax came aboard the station and was later talking to fellow residents. (DS9: "Afterimage")

He was watching Sarina Douglas playing a dabo game hosted by M'Pella. (DS9: "Chrysalis")

He also visited the promenade and Quark's this year. (DS9: "Once More Unto the Breach", "The Emperor's New Cloak", "Field of Fire", "Chimera")

This Paradan was played by an unknown actor.

Antwerp Conference diplomat[]



A Paradan rebel

The guard shot the replicant O'Brien, who the Paradan government had used to replace the real Miles O'Brien. The replicant was programmed to assassinate the rebel delegation at peace talks. (DS9: "Whispers")

This Paradan guard was played by background actor Bill Hagy who received no credit for this part.

Tsunkatse spectator []

Paradan spectator

A Paradan spectator

This spectator was in the audience of several Tsunkatse matches near the Norcadian homeworld in the Delta Quadrant in 2376. (VOY: "Tsunkatse")

This Paradan was played by an unknown actor.
