Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Queen Paolana was a female Human, and the ruling monarch of the planet Hysperia in the late 24th century. Her son, Andarithio Billups, had abdicated his birthright as prince and joined Starfleet, eventually becoming the chief engineer of the USS Cerritos. Paolana bore no respect for Billups' chosen profession and insisted that he take up his throne instead, which led to their estrangement. She had repeatedly attempted to trick her son into losing his virginity, which would have automatically made him king under Hysperian law.

In 2381, Paolana requested assistance from the Cerritos regarding a fault with the dragonbreath engines of her ship, the Monaveen. Although Billups led an apparently successful repair effort, free of Paolana's manipulations, shortly afterwards the primary fusion reactor exploded. Paolana was reported killed alongside several others, including Ensign Sam Rutherford; a grieving Billups therefore saw no choice but to assume his royal duty and consummate the succession with two of the queen's royal guards.

By tracking a signal from Rutherford's cybernetic implant, Ensign D'Vana Tendi discovered that he and Paolana were, in fact, alive and well on the Monaveen. Paolana revealed that the entire affair had been yet another scam to have Billups lose his virginity, though Rutherford managed to race to the Cerritos and warn Billups before the sexual act occurred. Billups angrily reiterated to his mother that he was happy where he was, and Paolana departed the Cerritos defeated, but undeterred. (LD: "Where Pleasant Fountains Lie")

Paolana photo

Paolana's photo

Late the same year, a photo of Paolana later appeared on the conspiracy board at the truther's recruitment booth on Tulgana IV. (LD: "Reflections")

Paolana was voiced by June Diane Raphael.

Though not explicitly stated in the episode, the story implies that Paolana's husband, the previous king, is deceased.
