Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Pabst Blue Ribbon

Pabst Blue Ribbon

Pabst Blue Ribbon was a brand of beer from Earth.

In 2024, there was a Pabst Blue Ribbon sign on the wall inside 10 Forward Avenue in Los Angeles, California, which was Guinan's bar at the time. (PIC: "Watcher", "Monsters", "Mercy") Pabst Blue Ribbon was available on tap at 10 Forward Avenue. (PIC: "Monsters")

Pabst Blue Ribbon was available bottled and in cans at Deacon's bar, also in Los Angeles. (PIC: "Monsters")

When Seven of Nine and Raffaela Musiker were trying to find Agnes Jurati, who was possessed by the Borg Queen, they approached Deacon's which she vandalized the previous night. Seven, trying to understand why she broke the glass of the window, found an empty Pabst Blue Ribbon bottle and shattered it on the sidewalk. (PIC: "Monsters")

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