Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The orbital office complex was a Starfleet space station in orbit of Earth during the late 23rd century.

In the 2270s, Admiral Kirk was transported to the USS Enterprise for the first time in two and a half years via travel pod 05 from the orbital office complex. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

A graphic display of an orbital office complex appeared in the USS Defiant's library computer on several occasions during 2374 and 2375. (DS9: "Favor the Bold", et al.)

The same graphic also appeared in the USS Voyager's library computer screen that was viewed by One after Seven of Nine had activated the drone's linguistic database, and allowed him to assimilate information. (VOY: "Drone")

A similar graphic was seen among the data that Seven of Nine assimilated in early 2376. (VOY: "The Voyager Conspiracy")


See also[]


Background information[]

The script for Star Trek: The Motion Picture referred to this station as the "orbital drydock offices," further describing them "rotating slowly but perceptibly against blue-black of space. Small figures in spacesuits working on construction, with work belts. Beyond and below… Earth." It further described "the cluster is a fully-equipped dockyard engineering center and computer drafting office," with the location where Kirk beamed into and met Scotty, being the "inner office". Similarly, in Gene Roddenberry's novelization of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, the office complex was referred to as a "Centroplex".

Orbital office complex, studio model

"The long copper cylinders" on the original studio model

According to model designer Andrew Probert, "the long copper cylinders" protruding from the top of the complex "were botanical tanks, so you could grow fruits and vegetables without needing soil, and that in turn would help supply your oxygen as well as some of the station's food. That was my thinking, at the time, but I'm sure they're probably too big for that, or whatever." [1]

The okudagram depicting the orbital office complex was originally sketched by Doug Drexler for the second edition of the Star Trek Encyclopedia.

For more information, see studio models.

The set for the office complex's interior, including the travel pod set, was constructed on Paramount Stage 17 and cost US$60,000. (The Making of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, p. 95)

The set for the complex was one of the first sets from The Motion Picture to be taken down, following production on the film. By 5 January 1979, not only had the set been struck for storage and folded but it had also been decided that the set would be moved to Paramount Stage 9 for permanent storage. (The Making of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, p. 214)

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