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Operation Daybreak

Operation: Daybreak

Operation: Daybreak was a top secret mission assigned to Commander Raffaela Musiker by Starfleet Intelligence, possibly even Section 31.

Her mission was to determine who stole the quantum tunneling device from Daystrom Station. Her investigation was covert, and she posed as a junkie on the streets of District Six on M'talas Prime in the hopes of learning who stole the tech, so as to prevent a possible terrorist attack.

She questioned an Orion narcotics dealer at a food stand. The Orion only told her that he heard something about a "Red Lady"; Musiker later learned that this was the red statue of Rachel Garrett that was standing at the entrance of the Starfleet Recruitment building in District Seven. Musikar immediately set course for that district and attempted to hail Starfleet to warn them of the impending attack, but the weapon was deployed before her eyes. A wormhole opened up below the building, causing it to fall through, while the other side of the wormhole opened up in the sky nearby, dropping the building on another part of the city below, killing more than a hundred people. (PIC: "The Next Generation")

The media relayed the news story about the terrible incident, reporting that the man responsible for the attack was a Romulan career criminal named Lurak T'Luco. Musikar didn't buy this, and decided to continue her investigation; however her handler at Starfleet, Worf, told her that Starfleet Command had ceased Operation: Daybreak since the suspect had been identified. Musiker told Worf that T'Luco was just a patsy, and that she needed to talk to Sneed, a Ferengi broker responsible for much of the organized crime on M'talas Prime. Worf told her to disengage. She refused, and demanded that they meet in person. Worf denied the request.

Despite her orders, she continued the investigation, seeking out her ex-husband Jae Hwang in the hopes that he could arrange a meeting with Sneed. Hwang told her that the way she was behaving was just like before, when she tried uncovering conspiracies and things like that; that was when the substance abuse began. She assured him that she was not only clean, but very much active as an operative of Starfleet, and the only reason she wanted to meet Sneed was because of her job, not because she was looking to get drugs. Additionally, she asked if he would talk to her son Gabe, who had been avoiding her. Hwang told her he could only do one favor, and to her anguish, and just as her ex-husband figured, she chose Sneed.

Upon meeting Sneed, she tried to get him to confess who the real terrorist was. She tried posing as one of T'Luco's associates, but Sneed didn't believe her, and he told her she "smelled like Starfleet." After consentingly drugging her with a substance he called splinter, he tried to get her to tell the truth. Thankfully years of being a junkie made it easier for her to resist the drug, and she continued with the same story as before. He still didn't believe her, but at this point he realized she must have been a real substance abuser at one time or another. But he told her he still didn't believe her because he already had T'Luco killed, and he threw his disembodied head on the floor. At that point, the drug started to get the better of her, and she became disoriented, but just then, Worf, her handler, came to her rescue, killing Sneed's henchmen with his kur'leth and beheading Sneed himself. He then helped Musiker to her feet and aided in her escape, telling her he had told her to disengage. (PIC: "Disengage")
