Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Enterprise fruit platter

The officers' mess aboard the USS Enterprise

Constitution II class officers' mess, 2293

The officers' mess aboard the USS Enterprise-A

The officers' mess was a mess hall for officers located on a starship.

Aboard Constitution II-class vessels during the 2290s, the officers' mess was a long room, lined by several large windows that seemed to face out into space or an image of a starfield.

Generally darkly lit, the room was dominated by a large, curved table and an elaborate chandelier-type ornament affixed to the ceiling. The bulkhead opposite the windows featured painted portraits of several historical figures. The mess aboard the USS Enterprise-A displayed portraits of Abraham Lincoln of Earth and Sarek of Vulcan.

In 2293, Captain Kirk and his crew hosted a dinner for the Klingon Chancellor Gorkon and his party in the officers' lounge aboard the Enterprise-A while escorting Kronos One to a planned, but never held, peace conference on Earth.

Located within the primary hull of the Constitution II-class starship, the officers' mess aboard the Enterprise-A was completely destroyed when the hull of that ship was compromised during a space battle in 2293. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)

In 2384, the location of the officers' mess on the USS Dauntless was labeled in a master situation display. This room, on Deck D, was depicted as being a large room with hanging lights. (PRO: "Mindwalk")

A clear view of the Dauntless MSD was provided by Dominique Rossier of Wardenlight Studio. [1]

See also[]


Background information[]

The officers' mess aboard the Enterprise-A was seen only in the sixth film and was a redress of the observation lounge of the USS Enterprise-D from Star Trek: The Next Generation. This room also served as the captain's dining room aboard the Enterprise-D in TNG: "Sins of The Father" and "Violations", and as the observation lounge and reception hall aboard the USS Enterprise-E in Star Trek: First Contact, Star Trek: Insurrection, and Star Trek Nemesis.

An officers' mess at Starfleet Medical was also briefly mentioned in a cut scene from Star Trek Nemesis.

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