Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Nuclear fusion is a physical reaction that could be harnessed as a form of power generation; it is the very process which causes stars to shine. On Earth, Fusion replaced nuclear fission at the start of the Fusion era and was used in fusion reactors and hydrogen bombs. Lasers could be used to initiate laser-induced fusion.

Fusion bombs were among the weapons employed by Vendikar in the Eminiar-Vendikar War. (TOS: "A Taste of Armageddon")

In 2267, the overload of the impulse engines of the USS Constellation resulted in a fusion explosion of 97.835 megatons. (TOS: "The Doomsday Machine")

Helium fusion enhancement was at the center of Doctor Timicin's studies to re-vitalize the Kaelon sun. (TNG: "Half a Life")

Fusion reactants were components of a star's stellar core. (DS9: "Meridian")

During the late 2360s, the Romulans began performing experiments with trilithium weapons. This technology, which could be used as a nuclear inhibitor, was capable of stopping fusion within a star. As of 2371, they were unable to stabilize it. However, El-Aurian scientist Doctor Tolian Soran was able to create such a weapon, which he used to create a quantum implosion in the Amargosa star. (Star Trek Generations)

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