Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Ni'Var was a Vulcan Suurok-class combat cruiser that was in service with the Vulcan High Command in the mid-22nd century. The vessel was commanded by Sopek.

In 2151, the Vulcan High Command sent the Ni'Var to transfer Sub-Commander T'Pol off Enterprise NX-01 and back to Vulcan. This was due to her role in the destruction of the sacred Vulcan monastery of P'Jem. However the ship never completed the transfer as in the meantime T'Pol and Jonathan Archer were captured on Coridan; the Ni'Var sent a commando squad to the planet for their rescue, during which T'Pol was injured saving the life of Sopek. As a result, the chief medical officer of the Enterprise, Doctor Phlox, prohibited her transfer until her recovery, while Sopek was persuaded to ask for leniency for her before the High Command. (ENT: "Shadows of P'Jem")



Background information[]

This starship was designed by Doug Drexler who combined the previous seen Vulcan vessels, Surak by Andrew Probert, T'Pau by Rick Sternbach, and the T'Plana-Hath by John Eaves. (ENT Season 3 Blu-ray, "Impulse" text commentary)

The bridge of this vessel was built as a set on Paramount Stage 18.

According to episode co-writer Michael Sussman, the Ni'Var was named as an homage to the short story "Ni Var" published in The New Voyages. The Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 2, p. 81 corroborated Sussman's account.

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