Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The The New York Times (or simply The Times) was a newspaper or magazine that was published daily in New York City, New York in the early 20th century.

In the 23rd century, it was believed that one of the principal historical events on Earth in the year 1987 involved the New York Times being the last magazine to close its doors. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)

It is unclear if this referred to the New York Times Magazine supplement, which still exists (as do many other magazines, in fact).

In The Big Good-Bye, the master criminal Silent Forrester ordered a copy of this newspaper after he had settled into his hotel room at the Plaza. The cops, under the leadership of Detective Jim Tierney, heard over the dictrograph Forrester chuckling twice over something he had read in the Times that involved Americans and their customs. (TNG: "The Big Goodbye")

The pages seen in the episode were actually from the detective novel, The Listening Man, by author John A. Moroso. This novel was published in 1924. Information on The New York Times was from page 141.

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