Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A negotiation was a discussion between multiple parties aimed at reaching an amicable agreement. Negotiations committed by negotiators were often key to performing successfully in trade and diplomacy.

According to T'Pol, Vulcan Ambassador "V'Lar's treatise on negotiating tactics is the definitive text on the subject." (ENT: "Cease Fire") However, at one point, T'Pol had a number of questions about V'Lar's negotiating tactics, which V'Lar found to be "quite presumptuous coming from one so young." (ENT: "Fallen Hero")

When Keiko O'Brien attempted to entice Rom to have Nog attend her school aboard Deep Space 9 in 2369, she told him to "consider the advantage your son will have over other Ferengi once he's learned about other cultures, once he learns how others run their economies, conduct business, [and] negotiate," before she finally attempted to seal the deal stating "knowledge is power, Mister Rom." (DS9: "A Man Alone")

Kai Winn Adami and Vedek Bareil Antos of Bajor attempted to open talks with Legate Turrel of Cardassia with the intention of establishing a treaty and to a final peace settlement between the two parties in 2371. Key talking points of the talks ranged "from war reparations to the exchange of ambassadors," and even included "the possibility that the Cardassians will issue a formal apology for the pain and suffering inflicted on the Bajoran people during the occupation." The result of these talks was the Bajoran-Cardassian Treaty. (DS9: "Life Support")

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