Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
MA PRO star
This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Prodigy, and thus may contain spoilers.

A nazamon feeding

The nazamon was a large four-winged flying animal native to Ovidia IV. It fed on flowers, which it filtered out of the air.

The Running of the Nazamon was a custom practiced by the inhabitants of Ovidia IV, consisting of embodied non-corporeal lifeforms, during their Feast of Senses. They wore flower crowns and threw blossoms into the air to attract a nazamon, which would swoop at them to feed. The danger this posed aroused the non-corporeals' senses of fear and mortality, binding them more closely to their adopted humanoid bodies.

In 2384, Zero participated in the Running after receiving a new body. They and Dal R'El were almost swallowed by a nazamon, but were able to climb out of its mouth and leap back to the ground unharmed. (PRO: "Is There in Beauty No Truth?")

The nazamon resembles a manta ray in appearance and behavior.
