Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A nursemaid or nanny was a person who was employed to care for one or more children. The term was often used figuratively, referring to adults needing undue supervision.

In 2269, a robot hovercraft utilized on the Shore Leave Planet was described by Hikaru Sulu as "some kind of mechanical nursemaid". (TAS: "Once Upon a Planet")

Shortly after Admiral Kirk was given command of the refitted USS Enterprise during the V'ger crisis, Captain Decker expressed his concern with, among other things, Kirk's unfamiliarity with the changes to the ship. To these concerns, the admiral simply responded that he trusted Decker to nursemaid him through these difficulties. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

In 2368, K'Vada, the Klingon Bird-of-Prey commander, who had transported Jean-Luc Picard and Data to Romulus, complained that his crew had better things to do than act as nursemaids. (TNG: "Unification II")

Dal R'El referred to Hologram Janeway as a "holo-nanny" after she cautioned him about visiting a dangerous binary system. (PRO: "Starstruck")

The term was written variously as "nursemaid" and "nurse maid" in scripts.

The term (spelled "nurse maid") was also used in the final draft script of the Star Trek: The Original Series first season episode "The Enemy Within". In the aforementioned script, a weakened and indecisive version of Kirk told Science Officer Spock that he didn't require a nurse maid.

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