Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

NI-1101 was a Federation NCIA-93-type starship assigned to the intelligence division Section 31 in the 2250s.


After Control took possession of Leland through nanotechnology, it spread to other Section 31 vessels, including the NI-1101. It subsequently ejected the crew of the vessel into space, including Kamran Gant, a former crewmate of Michael Burnham aboard the USS Shenzhou.

After being notified by Ash Tyler that the ship had been ten minutes late checking in, Michael Burnham and Spock took a Class C shuttlecraft to investigate. Upon arrival, they witnessed the aftermath of Control's actions. A signal life sign was detected in space, revealed to be Kamran Gant.

The trio beamed over to the ship to investigate, during which time Control took the ship to warp towards a preset destination. While trying to regain control of the ship, it was discovered that Gant was actually Control. A phaser fight ensued on the bridge, during which "Gant" tried to inject Burnham with the nanites. He was ultimately stopped when Spock magnetized the floor. (DIS: "Through the Valley of Shadows")

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