Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Enterprise crew musical finish

The Enterprise crew performing a musical under the influence of a quantum uncertainty field

A musical was a performance, such as a movie or a play, that incorporated singing and dancing.

The Court Jester was both a musical and a comedy. (ENT: "Dear Doctor")

In 2153, while choosing a movie to watch with Charles (and the cogenitor's first), Trip Tucker decided against a musical. (ENT: "Cogenitor")

In 2154, while planning movie night, Tucker asked T'Pol whether she was in the mood for a horror film or a musical, to which she replied that she didn't think she'd have time for either. (ENT: "Daedalus")

In 2259, the USS Enterprise accidentally created a region of altered reality by transmitting a song into a subspace fold and dislodging a quantum uncertainty field. Within this field, all individuals were forced to sing and dance during moments of heightened emotion, as though they were in a musical. (SNW: "Subspace Rhapsody")

Known musicals[]

External link[]
