Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

For the ensign in the sciences division, please see Murphy (science).

Ensign Murphy was a Starfleet security officer serving aboard USS Voyager under Captain Kathryn Janeway. Murphy was stranded in the Delta Quadrant when Voyager was forcibly brought there by the Caretaker in 2371.

In 2372, Murphy was among the Starfleet officers who took part in Tom Paris' Paris Radiogenic Sweepstakes bets on the holodeck at Chez Sandrine. (VOY: "Meld")

He was part of Tuvok's security team which entered main engineering after Neelix defeated Michael Jonas. (VOY: "Investigations")

The same year, he was with the crew of Voyager marooned on Hanon IV and among the crewmembers who were attacked by the natives. (VOY: "Basics, Part I", "Basics, Part II")

In 2373, Murphy was ordered by Chakotay, to escort the Ferengi Arridor and Kol to secured quarters. The Ferengi, however, were able to knock Murphy unconscious and were able to escape, leaving Murphy with a concussion. (VOY: "False Profits")

Murphy had dinner in the mess hall when Neelix served his new juice to Tuvok. (VOY: "Flashback")

He assisted Tuvok along with a security officer to rescue Tom Paris and Harry Kim from an Akritirian maximum security detention facility. (VOY: "The Chute")

Murphy served as relief tactical officer during the absence of Tuvok. (VOY: "Rise")

Murphy was on duty on the bridge, working on an aft station, when Voyager decrypted a message from Starfleet Command sent through the Hirogen communications network and when Neelix delievered the first letter from the Alpha Quadrant to Commander Chakotay. He was also present in the mess hall when Neelix delievered several more letters but received none. (VOY: "Hunters")

He accompanied Captain Janeway and another security officer into engineering where a member of Species 8472 attacked the engineering crew. He then escorted the wounded officers to sickbay. (VOY: "Prey")

He manned an aft station on the bridge when Voyager set an intercept course for Kovin's ship. He was also present during the following firefight with Kovin and when Kovin's ship exploded. (VOY: "Retrospect")

He assisted as a security guard, when Kellin part towards Ramura. (VOY: "Unforgettable")

Murphy assisted in the mess hall when he was at Ensign Ahni Jetal's birthday party. He raised his glass together with Tom Paris and Ayala in the background. (VOY: "Latent Image")

Hologram []

A holographic re-creation of Murphy assisted Tuvok, and Foster engaged a group of three Kyrians in engineering in the holoprogram The Voyager Encounter. (VOY: "Living Witness")

Background information[]

Murphy was played by regular background actor Shepard Ross who received no credit for his appearances.

He was identified as Murphy in the episode "False Profits".

The Star Trek Customizable Card Game gives his name as Andreas Colter.

Another Ensign Murphy worked in Voyager's sciences division and was played by Michael Beebe. A third Ensign Murphy appeared in the Voyager novel Shadow of Heaven. His first name was Stephen and he is described as having blond hair which doesn't match Ross's or Beebe's appearance.

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