Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
For the slang term for a maternal parent, please see mother.

The mummy of T'Klaas

A mummy was a corpse that was exceptionally well-preserved as a result of natural or artificial processes.

Vulcans practiced mummification as early as the 9th century BC, with the remains of Haadok at P'Jem being one example. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident") The mummified body of the Vulcan kolinahr master T'Klaas was preserved in the T'Karath Sanctuary. (ENT: "Awakening") According to Trip Tucker, it was the "really important" Vulcans who were mummified. (ENT: "Rogue Planet")

Klingon mummies were identifiable by a particular mummification glyph. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home) Some entrepreneurs on Maranga IV claimed to have Molor's mummified head on display for a fee of fifty darseks per person. (TNG: "Firstborn")

The script specified that the mumification glyph was from the Zanxthkolt Dynasty.

On Tulgana IV in 2381, a Tellarite visitor to the Independent Archaeologists Guild recruitment booth asked Petra Aberdeen if they ever got to touch mummies. She replied, "All the time." (LD: "Reflections")

Later that year, Aberdeen told Beckett Mariner, who had joined her after resigning from Starfleet, that she had a lead on some ancient Vedalan mummies. Mariner was enthusiastic, remarking, "They're not gonna dig up themselves, right?" Aberdeen replied that had happened only "once or twice" before. (LD: "Trusted Sources")

The Vhnori wrapped their dead in strips of cloth such that they resembled Egyptian mummies, but as Chakotay notes the bodies were not protected from decomposition in any way.


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In the UK comic strip "Planet of the Dead", the toad-creatures of planet Selkye resembled mummified toads, while in the Gold Key comic "The Mummies of Heitius VII", mummies that acted similar to the Borg were found on Heitius VII.

In the novel Time's Enemy, set in 2371, Starfleet discovered a future version of the starship USS Defiant with a mummified crew.

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