Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Mudd's ship, 2257

Mudd's ship

Mudd's ship was a starship used by Harry Mudd at some point after reuniting with his fiancée in 2256.

Mudd used this ship as a base of operations while he masqueraded as a female bounty hunter. As such, he would locate various individuals to con, using android duplicates of himself that he would sell to unsuspecting bounty hunters looking to turn Mudd over to Starfleet. (ST: "The Escape Artist")

The date of 2257 is an assumption based on "The Escape Artist" taking place after "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad", which took place in December 2256.

The ship appears to be a hodgepodge of Federation-style nacelles, namely from the Engle-, Shepard-, Hoover-, and Cardenas-classes, attached to a Klingon DaSpu'-class body.

The bridge section was filmed in the control room of the decommissioned Hearn Generating Station in Toronto. As a result, even though it sports labels with Earth-style letters and numbers, it is completely unlike any interior seen in Starfleet or civilian spaceships of the 23rd century or before.
