Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Kahlest data

Moran's name in a report on Kahlest

For the unidentified actor, please see Moran (actor).

Doctor Moran was a 24th century Starfleet officer. In 2346, Moran was the chief medical officer of the USS Intrepid.

After the attack on Khitomer, a Klingon survivor named Kahlest was rescued by the starship. An evaluation of Kahlest revealed she had severe injuries. CMO Moran stabilized Kahlest's condition, but recommended that she be transferred to a starbase medical facility. She was later transferred to Starbase 24. (TNG: "Sins of The Father")

This character was only mentioned in writing.

Chief Medical Officer Moran may be named after the episode's co-writer W. Reed Moran.
