Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A moopsy

Moopsy drinking Narj

A moopsy drinking Narj's bones


The moopsy was a small predatory animal known for "drinking" bones. Belying its cute and harmless appearance, it was capable of launching itself at high speed towards much larger prey and draining it of its bones in seconds. Though it normally had a slow, waddling gait, the moopsy had a voracious appetite and pursued food relentlessly. When it attacked, its apparently small mouth stretched considerably to reveal large fangs. Its name reflected the sound of its vocalizations.

A moopsy was among the lifeforms kept within Narj's Miraculous Menagerarium. In 2381, it was released by two Humans who had been accidentally put on display, in the hopes that it would kill Narj and give them ownership of his menagerie. The moopsy devoured two Pyrithian swamp gobblers and Narj, and almost caused the menagerie to fall out of orbit by clambering onto the consoles in the main control room. Lieutenant jg Beckett Mariner and Commander Jack Ransom managed to entice the moopsy back into its enclosure with a trail of teeth, which Mariner had punched out of Ransom's mouth at his suggestion. (LD: "I Have No Bones Yet I Must Flee")

The moopsy's utterances were provided by Roan K. Lai.
