Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Mintaka was the primary of its star system. In orbit of this primary, there was the inhabited planet Mintaka III. It was the right most star in Orion's Belt.

On Mintaka III, record keepers of the Mintakans recorded the position of their sun using a sundial. The optimum time for these measurements was when the sun reached its zenith in the sky. (TNG: "Who Watches The Watchers")


Background information[]

This star was only mentioned in dialogue.

Mintaka's name is derived from an Arabic phrase meaning "belt of the Central One", referring to Mintaka's place as the western star of Orion's Belt. This asterism was seen in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Family".

According to, the Mintaka (Bayer nomenclature Delta Orionis) system was a binary system with an O-type primary dominating its stellar companion. This system was located about 1,500 to 2,300 light years from Sol. [1](X)

According to Star Trek: Star Charts ("United Federation of Planets II"), the Mintaka (Delta Orionis) system, located in the Beta Quadrant, was a single star system with an O-class star.

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