Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
<< What led Altan Inigo Soong to continue his father's work? >>

That would be a novel or series in itself. But his somewhat bitter joke about not being the "made" son, coupled with his choice to follow in his father's footsteps, suggests a certain amount of conflictedness.

<< Is anyone ever going to mention that Spock disappeared while trying to save Romulus? >>

I am not sure why anyone would, other than to tick a box on a fan checklist.

<< Will we ever get Josh Tillman (aka Father John Misty) as a guest cameo? >>

What a curious notion!

<< Picard melded with Sarek. Is he aware of Discovery's survival? >>

Ooh. That is a GOOD one!

<< Can you translate the episode's title for a lazy person (me)? >>

Dude, Wikipedia is NOT hard. That's *too* lazy.

<< Was the poorly named Cortez in "Far Beyond the Stars" the inspiration for Ibn Majid? >>

No, I just thought it would be cool if Starfleet honored some great non-European navigators/explorers/sailors.

<< I really think the series benefited from a having novelist's touch. Do you agree? >>

That is very sweet of you to say.

<< You had said Hugh wasn't in the original script. What was the impetus to add him? <Vulcan salute> >>

I don't think that's quite what I said. He was definitely *always* in the script of the first episode in which he appears.

<< And sorry if you feel this was Too Critical, I've heard you don't like any Criticism. >>

My friend, I live for intelligent, insightful and charitable criticism: it improves my work. What I don't "like" is rudeness and unkindness. I'm also not wild about opining that mistakes itself for criticism. In my entire fifty-six years on earth I've probably met about fifteen people whose opinions were one of their best features.

<< I will finish out this Season. Hopefully the writers change the Political Agenda next Seaso >>

Because of the Story format, nobody but me can see the string of brief fragments leading to this final bit. I'll try to paraphrase briefly but honestly: as a fan of TNG, you were looking forward to PIC, but have been mostly disappointed, particularly by what you perceive as a political agenda being imposed on Star Trek and on the character of Picard, whom you view as having been "neutered." Is ther fair? I can't find an actual question, but there's a ghost question, sullen and aggrieved, peering out, and that question is, Why did you have to go and fuck up my Trek? 1/2

<< Cheers >>

To this question, as when it is asked by any fan, of any modern fandom, regardless of political affiliation -- and we've all been there, with some franchise, at some point -- there can be only one honest answer, and it sucks: It *isn't* yours. It belongs to a big corporation, and they can do whatever they want with it, including hiring creators who you see as fools. Every time we come up against that, it feels shitty (And with Trek it's worse, because for a while we fans actually did "own" it, back when nobody else wanted it anymore. We kept it alive.

All that I can tell you is that I hear you, and I can sympathize, but obviously I don't agree with you. if you see regret, remorse, self-doubt, self-examination, recognition of ones limitations and shortcomings as "neutering", unmanly, then you aren't very far along on your journey toward being what I would at least recognize as "the Measure of a Man." 2/2

<< What is your favorite age of comic books? Thanks you (also love Picard) >>


<< With s1 wrapping up, how far along is the writing staff on s2? Will you be as involved? >>

We are in the writing stage on the first half + of season 2. I continue as writer and executive producer, helped shape the new season, and will be writing two episodes.

<< Dahj's Mission: protect Agnes? Soji's mission: Find the Admonition? >>

Dahj's mission: find out the truth behind the synth ban by infiltrating Starfleet (Daystrom). Soji's mission: find out the truth behind the synth ban by infiltrating a Romulan outpost. A pincer movement on the secret.

<< Of all the characters, synth or otherwise, the one most "like" Data is Elnor. Agree? >>

In the purity, the innocence, the curiosity, the sweetness... Yep.

<< So... There is still a Borg Cube on that planet. Seems like something that can regenerate? >>

It happened once, but...

<< "Old school medical tricorder" - TOS era, perhaps? >>

It was directly modeled, I believe, on TNG-era designs.

<< At 25ly in 15 min, Voyager would have spent 12.5 days. It's not that simple, is it? >>

I don't understand the question.

<< By the way, Ríos needs an Argentinian bro, to kick his ass when is depressed. >>

Not a question... but ¡Viva Argentina!

<< Where did Bruce get that neuron from anyway? >>

It had come into the possession of the Daystrom Institute.

<< Why were Soji and Dahj created in Jana and Sutra's image? >>

Pure expediency.
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