Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

McNary was a fictional character in the Dixon Hill series of holonovels.

He was a law enforcement detective for the SFPD and had been a friend of the main character, Dixon Hill, for ten years. When Hill was accused of the murder of Jessica Bradley, McNary tried to protect Hill from Lt. Dan Bell who accused him of the murder. When he went to see Hill at his office he was captured by Cyrus Redblock and his henchman. When Redblock and his partner were eliminated when they tried to leave the holodeck, and the program was ending, McNary wanted to know if his world would still exist, if his wife and kids would still be waiting for him. Hill (Picard) said he did not know. (TNG: "The Big Goodbye")

McNary was portrayed by Gary Armagnac.

He was described in the script as "a young Robert Mitchum; his sad eyes show he's seen too many dark things during his nine years in Homicide." [1]

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