Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Farpoint shopping mall

The shopping mall at Farpoint Station

A shopping mall or mall was a place where several stores were combined under one roof.

In 2000, Henry Janeway called the Millennium Gate "a glorified shopping mall." Later, he remarked, "You don't sacrifice history for a shopping mall." (VOY: "11:59")

In 2004, the "Little Tokyo mall" was a shopping mall in Detroit, Michigan. (ENT: "Carpenter Street")

Farpoint Station also had a mall. In 2364, Commander William T. Riker expressed his desire to visit it when he happened upon Dr. Beverly Crusher and Wesley Crusher, both of whom were shopping at the station. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint")

In the final draft script of TOS: "Court Martial", Starbase 11 was also referred to as having a mall.

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