Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Insectoid starship energy wands

Energy-collecting wands

A wand was a thin stick, rod, or other object. A type of wand associated with magic was called a magic wand.

In 2267, the crew of the USS Enterprise encountered Ornithoid life forms Korob and Sylvia who had a transmuter with the appearance of a magic wand. (TOS: "Catspaw")

In 2269, the Enterprise discovered an insectoid starship which used wands as accumulators, receptors to attract motion, sound, light, heat, and every kind of energy around them. (TAS: "Beyond the Farthest Star")

In 2287, Leonard McCoy claimed that Sybok took away his pain, but James T. Kirk noted that as McCoy was a doctor, he knew that pain and guilt couldn't be taken away with the wave of a magic wand. (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)

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