Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Lorgh was a male Klingon warrior in the 24th century and a family friend of Mogh. He had no sons of his own, but adopted Mogh's son Kurn when he died.

Lorgh took care of the infant Kurn while Mogh traveled to Khitomer in 2346, expecting it to be a short visit. After Kurn's family was apparently killed at the Khitomer Massacre, Lorgh raised Kurn as his own son and did not tell him of his true parentage until he had reached the Age of Ascension. Kurn continued to pose as the son of Lorgh until the Klingon Civil War, to protect his honor after Worf accepted discommendation to cover Ja'rod's treachery at Khitomer. (TNG: "Sins of The Father")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Lorgh appeared in The Lost Era novel The Art of the Impossible, the Pocket DS9 novel Warpath, and the Pocket TNG novel A Time to Kill as a high-ranking operative of Klingon Intelligence. He also appears in Star Trek: Klingon Empire novel A Burning House.

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