Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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Looting was the act, committed by looters, of stealing goods during a time of diminished public order, such as wars, riots, or natural disasters.

In 2367, when chaos erupted on Ventax II due to the expected arrival of Ardra, the planet was affected by lootings, mass hysteria and fires. (TNG: "Devil's Due")

In 2369, Nog and a Markalian looter were arrested by Odo, Commander Benjamin Sisko, and Kira Nerys for looting. Sisko had Nog spend the night in the brig as a bargaining chip to Quark who was revealed by Kira to be the real thief. (DS9: "Emissary")

In 2371, Nog suggested that he and Jake Sisko visit the holosuite program Massacre of Ferris VI and spend an hour looting and pillaging the frightened townspeople. (DS9: "Life Support")

In 2372, Worf arrested a Dopterian after he was caught breaking into his and Dax's quarters. When Worf took him to Odo the constable quoted word for word what happened on stardates 46235.7 and 45349.1 when DaiMon Lurin and Berlinghoff Rasmussen paid him a visit on the Enterprise. (DS9: "Bar Association"; TNG: "Rascals", "A Matter Of Time")

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