Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

List of unnamed Vulcan long range shuttles.

Stolen shuttle []

This shuttle was stolen in 2380 by USS Cerritos officers Lieutenant Shaxs, Lieutenant Commander Andy Billups, and Ensign Sam Rutherford, as part of a top secret mission. Under the control of his cybernetic implant, Rutherford incapacitated the Vulcan crew with nerve pinches; the three then donned their uniforms and jumped from the shuttle to a Vulcan museum, where they stole a Romulan Bird-of-Prey. After the three secured the Bird-of-Prey and returned to the shuttle, Rutherford blacked out from his implant restarting and accidentally initiated the warp drive, causing the shuttle to crash into a Gorn planet near the site of a wedding. (LD: "Veritas")
