Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Explosives r3

Details on the material (bottom)

Lichfield suspension was a shape charged explosive used in specialized emergency cutting devices. The explosive was provided in linear charge form. This explosive was typically used by emergency response teams for cutting through hardened walls, ex. spacecraft hulls. This explosive was placed on the hull and detonated by an electronic pulse actuator. Usage of this explosive was in compliance with SFRA 5443. In 2367, this compound was stored on aboard the Federation starship USS Enterprise-D.

In that year, Lichfield suspension was on a list of explosives that Lieutenant Commander Data and Counselor Deanna Troi searched through in an attempt to find one that could produce enough energy to release the USS Enterprise-D and an alien ship from the Tyken's Rift. (TNG: "Night Terrors", okudagram)

Lichfield suspension was named after Jack Lichfield, an employee at CBS Home Entertainment. [1]
