Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Laura Richarz was a Starfleet officer who served during the late 24th century.

In 2370, Richarz was named as one of the yard engineers at the Antares Ship Yards who were listed on the dedication plaque of the USS Defiant. (DS9: "The Die is Cast", dedication plaque) Two years later, she was listed with the same details on the dedication plaque for the USS Valiant. (DS9: "Valiant", dedication plaque)

Later, in 2375, she again served as one of the yard engineers during the construction of the USS Sao Paulo, this time while stationed at the Utopia Planitia Ship Yards. (DS9: "The Dogs of War", dedication plaque)

This character was only mentioned in writing.

Richarz was named for production staff associate Laura Richarz.

She was listed as a yard engineer at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards on the dedication plaque of the USS Odyssey. This plaque was made for the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "The Jem'Hadar", but did not make an appearance in the episode. The plaque can be viewed at the Twitter account of DS9's writer and producer Ira Steven Behr. [1]
