Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Cliffs of Surak

Lake Yuron viewed from the Cliffs of Surak

Lake Yuron was a lake on the planet Vulcan (later Ni'Var). The Cliffs of Surak were on its shores.

After losing her parents in 2236 and moving to Vulcan, Michael Burnham would run away to the Cliffs of Surak overlooking Lake Yuron while getting used to her parents being gone. Later, in 3190, she would retreat to a holo of the view to contemplate a difficult situation with Cleveland Booker, noting to Saru that by the 32nd century the view looked the same. (DIS: "Anomaly (DIS)")

In 2375, Ensign Tom Paris noted that the Varro's environmental systems were so advanced, they could create "a little taste of home" in Lieutenant Commander Tuvok's quarters, specifically noting the shores of Lake Yuron during springtime. (VOY: "The Disease")

Lake Yuron was featured in Hidden Universe Travel Guide: Vulcan (pp. 44-57), where it was identified as spanning 80,000 square kilometers in the provincial limits of ShiKahr.

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