Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

"He doesn't even look old enough to be a doctor."

"LMH test program 1" was a prototype for the newly-proposed Long-term Medical Holographic program created by Doctor Lewis Zimmerman in 2373.

The test run program, itself, consisted of a hologram based on the appearance of Doctor Julian Bashir with the basic database and software configurations of the original Emergency Medical Holographic program.

According to Bashir, he thought that his holographic duplicate looked alright, "except for the eyes. They seem a little dead. They don't have that certain sparkle, that zest for life that greets me in the mirror every morning." Zimmerman assured him that they were simply performing a test run and that he assured him that "the final product will be zesty."

After Zimmerman loaded the LMH with the basic EMH software package, Bashir commented that it didn't sound much like him. Zimmerman apologized and inquired if it was "too zesty" for him. Bashir pointed out the contrary, stating that it sounded more like Zimmerman, and Zimmerman assured him that they will "build a new set of algorithms based on your scintillating personality," based on the outcome of the pending interviews with Bashir's friends and family. The program itself thought that Bashir seemed boring.

Malfunctioning lmh

O'Brien works out some bugs

Later on, while fine tuning the program, Miles O'Brien allowed the hologram to walk into the wall of the infirmary over and over, much to O'Brien's amusement. When Bashir caught O'Brien chuckling at it, O'Brien explained that they were "just working out a few bugs."

The program was still running when Bashir's parents, Richard and Amsha Bashir arrived in the infirmary and mistook the test program for their real son. During this exchange, they accidentally revealed the real Bashir's secret of being genetically enhanced. At the time, according to O'Brien, "Zimmerman thought it would be a idea to test the program's ability to cope with an unexpected situation." (DS9: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume")
