Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Korinas was an operative of the Obsidian Order, the Cardassian intelligence agency.

In 2371, Korinas represented the Obsidian Order as an observer during Commander Benjamin Sisko and Gul Dukat's search for the USS Defiant, which had been captured by Thomas Riker and the Maquis, from inside the Cardassian War Room of the Cardassian Central Command.

Korinas questioned Dukat's abilities during the search mission and also ordered to secure all intelligence information with a level 4 classification and above. During the search mission Korinas threatened Dukat and the starships of the Cardassian military when they headed for the Orias system, where the Order secretly and illegally built a base protected by Keldon-class warships.

When the Defiant engaged the Keldon-class warships, Korinas left the War Room. (DS9: "Defiant")


Background information[]

Korinas was played by actress Tricia O'Neil who filmed her scenes between Monday 3 October 1994 and Wednesday 5 October 1994 on Paramount Stage 4.

The script describes Korinas as "a woman who's so confident of her power and ability that she has no need to posture or bluster like the usual Cardassian Guls". (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion - A Series Guide and Script Library) According to the script pronunciation guide her name was pronounced as "KOR-ee-nas". [1]

The costume worn by O'Neil was later re-used and worn by Stunt actress Elle Alexander in the seventh season episode "The Dogs of War" and sold off at the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [2]

According to the call sheets, her makeup was applied by Camille Calvet.

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