Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Discovery, and thus may contain spoilers.

Kokytos was an uninhabited class L moon in orbit of Theta Helios. It had a humanoid-breathable atmosphere with frequent bouts of dangerous spider lightning. The surface was barren and largely covered by snow and ice, including patches of parasitic ice. The moon was home to the Tuscadian pyrosome, a predatory colonial lifeform that fed mainly on bioluminescent crustaceans.

In 3190, the Federation shuttlecraft UFP-11, carrying a group of Starfleet Academy cadets on a team-building exercise led by Lieutenant Sylvia Tilly, crashed on Kokytus after being struck by a rogue gamma-ray burst. Despite drawing the attention of a pyrosome, the group was able to trek to a nearby ridge and contact the USS Armstrong for rescue. (DIS: "All Is Possible")

In 3191, Tilly, frustrated by her cadets' reticence, mused to Lieutenant Jax about crashing them all onto an ice moon to teach them how to function as a crew. (DIS: "Red Directive").

Kokytos, or Cocytus, is one of the five rivers of Hades in Greek mythology. In Dante's Inferno, it is depicted as a frozen lake.
