Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Caves of No'Mat image

Cover images for a selection of Klingon acid rock songs

Acid punk was a subgenre of punk rock. One example was "Gre'thor Paradise" by Gik'Tal.

D'Vana Tendi was a fan of Klingon acid punk; in her words, "Why even listen to Klingon if it isn't punky or acidic?" She revealed this fact to Beckett Mariner during their mission to Qualor II in 2381. After they returned to the USS Cerritos, Tendi shared more acid punk with Mariner, such as a song about the Caves of No'Mat and another about a Klingon who eats his own hand. (LD: "We'll Always Have Tom Paris")

The Klingon acid punk songs in the episode were written by Chris Westlake, with the lyrics translated by Marc Okrand. [1]

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