Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Kleg was a Ledosian flight instructor in charge of giving piloting lessons and tests to those who broke the flying rules of his planet, Ledos.

In 2378, while the USS Voyager was visiting Ledos, Tom Paris had to endure a flight safety course with Kleg following a flying violation. While Paris was being instructed by Kleg, he received orders from Captain Janeway to recover a shuttle deflector and Ledosian exploratory team on the planet. After breaking almost every Ledosian airspace law, Paris beamed out the Ledosians and destroyed the deflector after the Delta Flyer's transporters were knocked out. Kleg announced that Paris had failed the course, and would no longer be allowed to pilot a vessel in Ledosian space, but Paris just quipped that it wouldn't be an issue anymore after this. (VOY: "Natural Law")

Instructor Kleg was played by Neil C. Vipond.
