Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Michael Rennie


Klaatu was a fictional character played by Michael Rennie in the science fiction film The Day the Earth Stood Still. He was an extraterrestrial who traveled with an android.

In 2153, after seeing the film on the Enterprise, the Cogenitor Charles asked Charles Tucker III why Humans feared Klaatu and his android. Tucker replied that before first contact with the Vulcans, Humans were distrustful of things that they didn't understand and wanted to kill Klaatu. Charles responded that she understood the sentiment felt by the Humans. (ENT: "Cogenitor")

In 2259, in Bear Creek, Montana, Christopher Pike was cooking breakfast and watching the movie during Klaatu's famous speech scene. When Captain Marie Batel entered the room, she made fun of him for watching the movie yet again, saying "Really?" to which he responded "What? It's a classic." (SNW: "Strange New Worlds")

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