Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A kingdom was a polity ruled by a king or queen.

The mythological land of Tagas was also known as the "Great Kingdom" when it was ruled by Elamos the Magnificent. (TNG: "Hero Worship")

The fictional character of Rumpelstiltskin lived in a kingdom. Upon hearing his own name, he became furious and, by stamping his foot, shook the entire kingdom, before breaking into two parts. (DS9: "If Wishes Were Horses")

The epic poem Beowulf was set in 6th century Denmark and was about the hero Beowulf fighting a creature that was terrorizing the Kingdom and murdering its subjects. (VOY: "Heroes and Demons")

In 2377, while investigating preanimate biomatter, The Doctor mused that he saw not just a mere cell, but the potential for literature and art, for empires and kingdoms. (VOY: "Body and Soul")

See also[]

  • Fiefdom

External link[]
