Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Discovery, and thus may contain spoilers.

Kellerun was an inhabited planet. It was the homeworld of the Kellerun. The golor beetle was native to the planet. (DIS: "Mirrors", "Erigah")

In the 32nd century, Kellerun was invaded without warning by Primarch Tahal of the Breen Imperium, who sought to use it as a munitions resupply hub for her campaign to control the throne. Her forces clear-cut the planet's forests, poisoned the seas, and blackened the skies. Countless Kellerun died during the occupation, though they resisted fiercely. When the Kellerun rebelled at the Twin Gates, Tahal killed all involved save for Rayner, who impressed her by fighting "like a Breen". (DIS: "Erigah")
