Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Kaltorus was an Areore male who served as village leader in the 24th century. He was very well-regarded by his fellow villagers, and was even described as "perfect".

In 2381, Kaltorus saw the crash landing of the exocomp Peanut Hamper, the first off-world visitor his planet had received in his lifetime. Though his people's ancestors had warned of the dangers of aliens and their technology, Kaltorus believed the machine's arrival was destiny. He brought her back to his village and sheltered her in his hut while she rebuilt her power.

After Peanut Hamper awoke, Kaltorus cleaned her casing and introduced her to the skeptical other villagers, insisting that she was a fellow living being deserving of respect. He charged his son and successor, Rawda, with serving as her guide and teaching her their ways.

A short time later, Kaltorus was attacked by a sky snake. Though he slew the snake with his spear, he was fatally envenomed. He was resigned to dying as part of the "Great Circle", but Peanut Hamper saved his life with a hypospray injection of antivenom.

The following spring, Kaltorus officiated the wing-joining of Peanut Hamper and Rawda. The ceremony was interrupted by the arrival of Drookmani scavengers, who claimed salvage rights over the ancient Areore ships beneath the village. During the ensuing Drookmani attack, he pushed Captain Carol Freeman of the USS Cerritos out of the way of a falling log and was injured. He then witnessed Rawda defeat the Drookmani by taking control of a larger Areore ship, and proclaim that henceforth the Areore would defend their way of life without fear. Impressed by his son, Kaltorus told him he was ready for the mantle of leadership. (LD: "A Mathematically Perfect Redemption")

Kaltorus was voiced by James Sie.
