Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

List of unnamed Jem'Hadar battleships.

The Valiant's target []

Dominion battleship (fore)

One of the first Jem'Hadar battleships to be introduced

This battleship was introduced in 2373, when upon learning that the it was operating in the same sector as the USS Valiant was located, Starfleet ordered Captain Ramirez to collect technical data on the ship.

However, at the time the message was received, Ramirez and the senior officers of the Valiant were killed, and Acting Captain Tim Watters of Red Squad decided to complete Ramirez's mission – or die trying.

For seven to eight months, the Valiant was only able to confirm the battleship's presence in the area by detecting its comm traffic; however, because the Valiant was limited to warp 3.2, it was unable to get within sensor range. Once the Valiant's warp drive was repaired, it quickly located the battleship from a range of 1.32 light years, where it was found traveling at warp 4.7.

After scanning the battleship with a class 3 probe for three hours, the cadets discovered what they thought was a design flaw and mounted an attack. The Valiant laid in a strafing course along the battleship's superstructure, maintaining a tight distance from it, with the intention of making it "harder for them to get a weapons lock on us," as the Valiant's captain wanted to "scrape some of the paint off their hull." The mission did not go according to plan, however, and the battleship was not seriously damaged. The ship returned fire and quickly destroyed the Valiant. (DS9: "Valiant")

Assault on rebel Cardassian bases []

Dominion battleship attack

A battleship fires on a Cardassian target

This battleship was among the warships responsible for assaults on all eighteen Cardassian Rebellion-operated bases, including Atbar Prime, Regulak IV, Simperia, and Quinor VII, in late 2375. It was later featured on a Dominion propaganda message recorded by Weyoun. (DS9: "The Dogs of War")

According to the script, footage that included this vessel was described as "stock opticals of Jem'Hadar and Cardassian ships firing – intercut with stock shots of asteroids, planets, bases, etc. being destroyed." In particular, footage of this ship was reused from the ship that previously appeared in "Valiant."

Battle of Cardassia fleet []

These battleships fought against the Federation Alliance in the invasion of Cardassia.

These battleships later joined the Dominion defense perimeter around Cardassia Prime after their retreat from the Battle of Cardassia with the Federation Alliance. (DS9: "What You Leave Behind")

Visual comparison of the orbiting battleships compared to nearby vessels visually suggests that these ships are significantly larger than the battleships that participated in the initial battle.
