Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Jeff was a Human professor and linguist who lived during the mid-20th century.

In 1947, Jeff and his fiancée, Garland, a nurse with the United States Army Air Forces, were assigned to the team investigating the three aliens – actually three Ferengi, named Quark, Rom, and Nog – that had crash landed in Roswell, New Mexico, after having accidentally traveled back in time from the year 2372. The military, who feared the aliens were part of an alien invasion force recruited Jeff to initiate communication with the Ferengi, a task which was initially impossible until Rom was able to repair their universal translators.

Later, when Lieutenant General Denning ordered the Ferengi interrogated, Jeff and Nurse Garland were assigned to assist Captain Wainwright with his attempts to extract information from them. When it became clear, however, that Wainwright was willing to exact physical harm to the Ferengi, Jeff and Nurse Garland incapacitated him and helped the Ferengi escape.

They subsequently took them to Hangar 18, where the alien ship was being stored, and allowed them to leave and return to their own time by recreating the time warp which transported them back in time in the first place. (DS9: "Little Green Men")


Background information[]

Jeff was played by Conor O'Farrell.

According to the script, Jeff's last name was Carlson, which according to the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion, p. 287, was a homage to actor Richard Carlson. The same last name was also subsequently used in the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 3rd ed., p. 66.


According to the novel The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume One, he and Faith were married as planned after the events of "Little Green Men". He was subsequently employed at Area 51. In 1986, Project F (as Carlson's operation was known) had a burst of activity after Naval Intelligence gave them several devices, namely a 23rd century Klingon disruptor and communicator, recovered from an intruder named Pavel Chekov who had been captured aboard the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise while it was docked at Alameda Naval Base. However, before more than a cursory inspection could be carried out, the disruptor and communicator were recovered by Roberta Lincoln.

In the subsequent novel The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume Two, it is mentioned that Faith had died prior to 1996, making him a widower. His wine of choice was Chateau Picard.

Carlson also appears in the novel From History's Shadow.

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