Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

James Morrow was a crewmember aboard the USS Equinox under the command of Captain Rudolph Ransom in 2371. In that year, the Equinox was stranded in the Delta Quadrant by the alien entity known as the Caretaker.

Morrow participated in criminal experiments to augment their warp drive by murdering a series of nucleogenic lifeforms and converting their remains into a source of fuel, presenting the crew with the opportunity to return to the Alpha Quadrant in mere months.

In 2376, after the death of Captain Ransom and the destruction of the Equinox, Morrow was integrated into the crew of USS Voyager, another Starfleet vessel which had been stranded in the Delta Quadrant, along with four other Equinox crewmembers. As a consequence of his actions, he, alongside his fellow Equinox survivors, was stripped of rank, granted severely limited privileges, and ordered to serve under heavy supervision until he could re-earn Janeway's trust. (VOY: "Equinox", "Equinox, Part II")

In 2377, Morrow and another sciences officer walked down a corridor and stopped to listen to Neelix's commentary about the Antarian Trans-stellar Rally. Later, he was one of the crewmembers who watched the rally in Astrometrics where he stood behind Fitzpatrick. (VOY: "Drive")

He was among the crewmembers in the mess hall when Neelix handed out isolinear chips with different numbers to every crewmember which allowed them to have free call time to people on Earth including their families and friends. (VOY: "Author, Author")

James Morrow was portrayed by background actor Matthew Cannon Hanson who received no credit for his appearances.

Morrow was named after a regular contributor to an early internet Star Trek forum which was frequented by the Voyager writers, as noted by Robert Duncan McNeill and Garrett Wang in The Delta Flyers podcast episode for "Equinox, Part II". [1]
