Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The International Space Station was a space station and one of Earth's first internationally combined efforts in exploring space. The station was jointly serviced by American space shuttle orbiters and Russian Soyuz and Progress spacecraft.

In 2000, astronaut Lieutenant McMillan was scheduled to be the co-pilot on a joint mission between NASA and the Europeans for a four month tour on the International Space Station that began in 2003. (VOY: "11:59")

The space shuttle Atlantis delivered a Spacehab module to the ISS in the early 21st century. (Star Trek: Enterprise, opening credits)

In 2020, Dragon 2 delivered astronauts to the station. (PIC: "Two of One")

The assignment patches for the ISS Program and for a three-man team were on display in the 602 Club in 2143. (ENT: "First Flight")

International Space Station, time stream

The ISS in the time stream

After Jonathan Archer restored a damaged timeline, the ISS could be seen in the time stream as the timeline realigned itself. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II")

A sketch depicting an overhead view of the ISS was contained in the library computer aboard the USS Enterprise in 2254. (TOS-R: "The Cage")

Space Station Freedom model

A model of the Space Station Freedom

Beginning with the year 2370, Benjamin Sisko had a model in his office aboard Deep Space 9 of the Space Station Freedom, which had the space shuttle Enterprise docked with it. The model was housed in a glass casing in the beginning but was later displayed without the casing in his office next to Ops. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)

ISS crew[]


Selected appearances[]

Background information[]

The model of the Space Station seen in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was given to the series by Majel Barrett as a gift. The DS9 art department added a model of the Enterprise (OV-101) and displayed it docked to the space station. (Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 372)

Although often referred to as the International Space Station, the model is actually of the then-proposed 1993 American-led Space Station Freedom.

A montage of the International Space Station (including the since cancelled Russian Science Power and Research modules) being constructed is featured in the opening credits of Star Trek: Enterprise.

The names Gidzenko, Krikalyov, and Shepherd were names seen on a mission insignia in the 602 Club. They were the first inhabitants of the space station on Expedition 1. Their mission patch, seen in the 602 Club, showed the space station on a blue background and the names of the Russian astronauts were written in their native Cyrillic alphabet.

E. Michael Fincke, who appeared along with fellow NASA astronaut Terry Virts in ENT: "These Are the Voyages...", has spent a year total aboard the ISS, from April to October 2004 (speaking with Scott Bakula while in space) and again from October 2008 to April 2009. Virts himself piloted the shuttle Endeavour on a mission to the station in February 2010. He later returned to the station in November 2014 as Flight Engineer of Expedition 42/43.

According to the reference work Ships of the Line (p. 8), in the 2150s, the ISS has remained in Low Earth Orbit and hasn't been destroyed by a controlled re-entry. (In the real world, the ISS is planned for controlled re-entry 2030, a similar fate to MIR.)

From the Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 1, p. 372), "The International Space Station (ISS) was featured in the main title sequence of Star Trek: Enterprise, beginning with the first episode, "Broken Bow". The decision to add the ISS to the Enterprise titles was a last-minute decision on the part of the producers. Because there was so little time to obtain accurate reference information for the construction of a digital model for visual effects, NASA engineer (and Star Trek fan) Brian J. Young, who at the time was a technician working for the United Space Alliance at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, went back to work on a Friday night and faxed us the plans for the station!"

The Window Observational Research Facility (WORF), installed in 2010, is an experiment facility, through which crew members and remotely operated payloads can perform Earth and space science research, including photography, at the US Laboratory (known as Destiny) Science Window on the International Space Station. It was admitted that the naming was in tribute to the Star Trek character and the mission patch produced even had Klingon text on it. [1]

External links[]
