Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Chief Humbolt was a Human male Starfleet crewman who lived during the mid-23rd century. He served in the sciences division at Starbase 11 in 2267 under the command of Commodore José I. Mendez. He was one of the technicians assigned to the base's computer center.

That same year, Humbolt had the task of identifying the source of a mysterious transmission ostensibly sent from the base, diverting the USS Enterprise from its regular patrol route.

Later, Humbolt discovered the Enterprise's first officer, Lieutenant Commander Spock, attempting to forge a transmission from Captain James T. Kirk, placing Spock in command. Humbolt attempted to forcibly subdue Spock, but was incapacitated by a Vulcan nerve pinch. (TOS: "The Menagerie, Part I")

Humbolt was played by actor George Sawaya who didn't receive credit for his appearance although he did have dialogue.

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