Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

The following is a list of Germany armed forces personnel:



Brooklyn soldier 1 and 2 []

Nazi SS-patrolmen

Nazi SS-patrolmen

These two Nazi soldiers patrolling the streets of Brooklyn, spied from Alicia Travers' apartment window by Jonathan Archer as he gathered his bearings after arriving in an alternate 1944. (ENT: "Storm Front")

Brooklyn soldiers []

SS soldiers rounding up Brooklyn civilians in a Ford Model 51

SS soldiers rounding up Brooklyn civilians

Nazi soldiers under the direction of the Gestapo were clearing out entire buildings and shooting people on the street or taking them away in trucks for interrogation in their search for Jonathan Archer. (ENT: "Storm Front")

Most of these guards were played by unknown actors, while one was played by Mark Chadwick.

Brooklyn soldier 3 and 4 []

This unterscharführer (sergeant) and mann (private) were among the soldiers that were clearing teh streets of Brooklyn.

The two spied Jonathan Archer and Alicia Travers walking in the street in front of Alicia's apartment in New York, when the unterscharführer confronted the two. He mocked what he believed their interracial relationship, and told Archer that he can go with Travers when they send her back to Africa, where the two could then run through the jungles together.

Later that night, the mann joined Vosk in the search for, and confrontation of, Archer and Travers in alley, observing the two beam away. (ENT: "Storm Front")

The SS-untersturmführer was played by Sonny Surowiec, who was credited as "German Soldier".

The SS-mann was played by Dieter Hornemann, who also played a Nazi guard in VOY: "The Killing Game".

Generalmajor []

German General

German Generalmajor

In an alternate version of 1944 where the Nazis had invaded much of the nations on Earth, this Wehrmacht generalmajor was briefed by Vosk in the American White House. The German flag officer was worried that the war effort might require more money and was responsible for relaying orders from Hitler to the Na'kuhl. He was subsequently killed by Vosk. (ENT: "Storm Front", "Storm Front, Part II")

The unnamed general was played by Christopher Neame.

In the final draft script of "Storm Front", he was described simply as "a high-ranking German general".

Generalmajor's guards []

Two SS guards, who held the rank of mann, were stationed in the generalmajor's White House office in an alternate 1944.

When the generalmajor relieved Vosk of command of the facility, the Na'kuhl leader shot the generalmajor. These two guards attempted to draw their own weapons, but were killed by a Na'kuhl officer before they succeeded. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II")

German medical tent staff[]

Doctor []

Nazi Doctor (1944)

The Nazi doctor

This doctor was in charge of a German medical tent located on American soil, after the Nazis had invaded the East Coast and had the upper hand in the War after the past had been altered by the Na'kuhl, a faction in the Temporal Cold War. The doctor called his superiors in to view a patient with burns who was wearing an unfamiliar uniform. The patient was Jonathan Archer who had been transported into the past after destroying the Xindi weapon. (ENT: "Zero Hour")

The doctor was played by Gunter Ziegler. He was credited as "Doctor".

Nurse []

Nazi nurse 1, 1944


This nurse worked in the medical tent in America where Jonathan Archer was cared for at. She informed the doctor of the arrival of Jonathan Archer. (ENT: "Zero Hour")

This nurse was played by an unknown actress.

SS-standartenführer []

Nazi SS-colonel, 1944


In an alternate 1944, where the Nazis had invaded the United States, this standartenführer (colonel) arrived at a medical tent where Jonathan Archer was discovered. The officer asked the attending doctor where Archer was, and was briefed on Archer's condition, before the doctor pointed out his unrecognized uniform. (ENT: "Zero Hour")

This standartenführer was played by regular guest actor J. Paul Boehmer. He was credited as "Officer", and would portray the presumably different character of lower rank, identified as "SS Agent", in the following episode.

SS-untersturmführer 1 []

Nazi SS-second lieutenant, 1944


In an alternate 1944, where the Nazis had invaded the United States, this untersturmführer (second lieutenant) arrived at a medical tent where Jonathan Archer was discovered, where the doctor pointed out his unrecognized uniform. (ENT: "Zero Hour")

This officer was played by an unknown actor.

Nazis on parade []

These Nazis were seen by Kirk and Spock via images recorded from the Guardian of Forever. They appeared in an alternate timeline, created by Doctor McCoy saving the life of Edith Keeler in 1930. (TOS: "The City on the Edge of Forever")

These Nazis were "played" by unknown people, who appeared via stock footage.

Prisoner transfer personnel[]

SS-mann 1 []

Nazi SS-private, 1944

Nazi mann

The mann (private) was guarding Jonathan Archer when he was being transported to Vosk, in an alternate 1944, where Nazi Germany had invaded America.

He laughed as his superior, the untersturmfuhrer, joked with Archer about Hollywood starlets. Moments later, when the convoy was attacked by the American resistance, he was killed. (ENT: "Storm Front")

The soldier was portrayed by an unknown actor.

SS-untersturmführer 2 []

Nazi SS-second lieutenant 2, 1944

SS Agent

This untersturmführer (second lieutenant) was responsible for transferring Archer to Vosk.

En route, he discussed with Archer how he felt that Americans were good at making movies, with stars like Betty Grable, Rita Hayworth, and Veronica Lake, but they were not good at fighting. He said that he wanted to go to Hollywood to meet Grable, and perhaps Archer will help introduce him to her. Archer said that he did not believe that he was her type. The lieutenant then pointedly told Archer that unlike Hollywood movies, where "Americans always win", that in his case, it was too bad that he wasn't in a movie.

Moments later, his convoy was ambushed by American insurgents, he was quickly kicked and disabled by Archer, who then escaped from the truck they were on. (ENT: "Storm Front")

This untersturmführer was played by regular guest actor J. Paul Boehmer. He was credited as "SS Agent", and was presumably a different character than the higher ranking "Officer" from the previous episode.

Vosk's soldiers 1 and 2 []

These two soldiers, a mann (private) and an oberscharführer (staff sergeant), worked directly for the Na'kuhl. They escorted Ghrath during his visit with Vosk at Vosk's compound, and later escorted Vosk to the White House, when he visited the generalmajor in order to make a request for further materiel.

Following the discovery of Trip Tucker and Travis Mayweather, they brought the two to Vosk, and were later ordered by the obersturmbannführer to be prepared for interrogation, as Vosk believed that they were temporal agents. They later carried the two into a small holding cell. (ENT: "Storm Front")

The oberscharführer and a third soldier escorted Vosk to the White House, once again, to present the generalmajor with another requisition request. Back at Vosk's compound, the mann and a fourth soldier dragged Tucker and Mayweather back to the small holding cell after being interrogated by Vosk.

While later they escorted the generalmajor to Vosk, during his visit to Vosk's compound, with orders to take possession of Vosk's squadron. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II")

The Nazi SS agents were played by unknown actors.

Vosk's soldiers 3 and 4 []

Archer and Vosk meet

Nazi soldiers standing by truck

Two Nazi accompanied Vosk to his meeting with Jonathan Archer to discuss Archer's interference in the Temporal Cold War, and to discuss the release of Trip Tucker and Travis Mayweather who were prisoners. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II")

These guards were played by unknown actors.

Vosk's compound's guards []

Nazi guard 1, 1944


These multiple guards, including a mann (private), guarded the compound in which Vosk and the Na'kuhl conducted their research. When Vosk learned that other temporal agents had possibly arrived in the alternate 1944 he had created, he thought that his compound might be a target, and ordered that the compound's guards be doubled. (ENT: "Storm Front")

They were later attacked by Carmine and his men, when Archer and Silik penetrated the compound. Many were hit by bullets. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II")

This guard was played by Trampas Thompson.
