Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Nurse Hortak was female Bajoran who worked under Doctor Julian Bashir in the infirmary aboard Deep Space 9.

In 2371, she assisted the doctor following the recovery an infant Jem'Hadar boy from the station's cargo bay, after it had been discovered by Quark among some transport salvage he had purchased.

She cared for the infant in the infirmary, through his youth, until he had grown to an age comparable to a teenage, at which point she called Dr. Bashir to inform him that his patient had escaped the infirmary and was loose in the Promenade.

Later, she assisted Bashir in fitting the Jem'hadar teen with the appropriate apparatus to allow him to receive the ketrcel-white he required to live. (DS9: "The Abandoned")

Hortak was played on-screen (N.D. Nurse), and voiced off-screen (Nurse's Voice), by an unknown actress.

According to the script for this episode, her name was pronounced as "HOR-yak". [1]
