Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Hornish were a humanoid species from the planet Hornish, in the Alpha Quadrant, with two large horns at the side of their heads and two smaller ones on their chins.

In 3190, the Hornish lost numerous probes attempting to study the Dark Matter Anomaly. Hornish delegates were present at the Multilateral DMA Strategy Assembly. Two representatives voted for, and one against, diplomacy with Unknown Species 10-C. (DIS: "...But to Connect")

The same year, Hornish were present at the Karma Barge on Porathia. (DIS: "All In")

One of the Hornish delegates joined the USS Discovery mission beyond the galactic barrier to contact Unknown Species 10-C. (DIS: "Rosetta")

Hornish name and symbol

Close-up of symbol and name

The name of the species was not spoken on screen, but was seen on a delegate's voting holo and a voting tally in DIS: "...But to Connect". A close-up of the tally was later released by graphic designer Timothy Peel. [1]

